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Text File | 1995-06-19 | 11.6 KB | 286 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#38/FlexiTrace
- =====================
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- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- FlexiTrace Details
- Background Info
- What FlexiTrace Does
- How FlexiTrace Works
- FlexiTrace Pros
- FlexiTrace Cons
- Suggested Improvements
- FlexiTrace Summary
- FlexiTrace Details
- ------------------
- FlexiTrace v1.01
- Tree Star, Inc.
- 116 Memory Lane
- Campbell, CA 95008
- 408/371-8343
- Rating:
- 8 Penguins out of a possible 10
- Summary:
- FlexiTrace does one thing quite well, it converts existing graphs
- and plots into digital data, i.e. it can turn an x-y plot of
- temperature vs. time into pairs of temperature-time values. Before
- FlexiTrace can perform its magic, you need to bring an image of
- the graph or plot into your Mac. This requires that your Mac have
- access to either a scanner or fax software.
- User Evaluation: (on a scale of 0 to 10)
- Number of responses: 1 (it's a new program)
- Ease of installation: 10
- Ease of learning: 7
- Ease of use: 8
- Power & usefulness: 10
- Documentation: 9
- Technical support: 8
- Overall evaluation: 8
- Price and Availability:
- The list price for FlexiTrace is $249. The product is available
- through MacZone and as a special order item from ComputerWare and
- EggHead Software. Since FlexiTrace is new, retailers will not be
- significantly discounting the list price.
- Reviewer:
- Len Schwer
- Staff Scientist
- APTEK, Inc.
- Internet: micro2.schwer@sri.com
- Background Info
- ---------------
- I started by purchasing FlexiGraphs, TreeStar's business graphics
- application, not for generating graphs, but for a crude, yet
- effective, data digitizing feature. After satisfying my pressing
- need to convert x-y plots into numbers I could analyze, I thought
- a letter to TreeStar suggesting certain improvements might be
- useful. This type of digitizing is something I do occasionally,
- and any possibility of making it more convenient was worth a small
- amount of effort on my part.
- In my letter to TreeStar, I said I liked the digitizing feature of
- FlexiGraphs, although I thought the graphics portion of
- FlexiGraphs was not suitable for engineering applications, and
- suggested some interface and feature improvements for the
- digitizing feature. The developers wrote back that they had
- received several similar suggestions and were in the process of
- developing FlexiTrace. The original digitizing feature in
- FlexiGraphs had been a quick hack added because it was easy.
- Because of my letter, and proximity to a TreeStar office in Los
- Gatos, I was asked to beta test FlexiTrace. I was also interviewed
- by MacWEEK for a review of FlexiTrace - see page 22 of the Dec.
- 18th issue.
- What FlexiTrace Does
- --------------------
- FlexiTrace is an application for digitizing data. In
- scientific/engineering work one often needs to digitize line
- plots, something versus time is typical, that were generated by
- others, or the original x-y data points are otherwise not
- available, e.g. "I just deleted that data file yesterday!"
- FlexiTrace takes a scanned image (PICT) of the x-y plot, and using
- a few simple tools, aligns the plot, sets the axes' scales, and
- digitizes (samples) the data at a user-specified rate. The
- resulting x-y data points can then be exported via the clipboard
- or written to an external file for plotting by other applications
- or for use in spreadsheets.
- Thus FlexiTrace eliminates the need for a digitizing tablet and
- mouse for many digitizing applications. The need for a scanner to
- capture the image is a slight negative, although the scanner
- probably has wider application than a digitizing tablet. However,
- with the increasing number of fax machines attached to Macs,
- people with onboard fax software can "scan" images into their Macs
- by sending faxes to their Macs.
- How FlexiTrace Works
- --------------------
- 1. After launching FlexiTrace use the OPEN... option under the
- FILE menu to open your scanned image or one of the sample images
- that accompany FlexiTrace. This opens a FlexiTrace window showing
- the image to be digitized.
- 2. Next you might want to use FlexiTrace's "plumb-bob" tool to
- vertically align your image (more on this later) and one or more
- of FlexiTrace's other tools to clean up stray marks (dirt) on the
- image (more on cleaning images below as well).
- 3. When you think the image looks right, use the FlexiTrace
- "dimensioning" tool to drag a box across the portion of the image
- to be digitized. This operation is similar to using a Marquee Tool
- in paint programs.
- The "dimensioning" tool icon is not intuitive to me, but it might
- be more visible and apparent on a larger screen. The icon shows a
- two headed arrow spanning two parallel lines, i.e. a typical
- dimensioning symbol in drafting. My main problems with this icon
- are its small size and the fact that dimensioning does not
- necessarily connote selecting the region to be digitized.
- Do not include the x and y axes in the portion of the image to be
- digitized, or else you will digitize them as well, which is
- undesirable.
- 4. After selecting the portion of the image to be digitized with
- the "dimensioning" tool, a dialog box appears into which you enter
- the minimum and maximum values of the ordinate and abscissa (x and
- y axes).
- 5. Before performing the digitization, called "tracing" and hence
- the name FlexiTrace, you will probably want to change some of the
- default tracing parameters. There are three logical groupings of
- these parameters: Tracing, Filtering, and Output. The user can
- easily switch among these three related sets of parameters using
- FlexiTrace's unique "Trace Parameter Polylog" window, a kind of
- multi-function window that uses a horizontal shuttering effect to
- switch among the three related windows.
- Tracing Options include type of graph (line, area, bar, scatter),
- sampling method (along ordinate or abscissa), number of samples,
- and display options for indicating the sampled points on the
- graph.
- Filtering Options include a "Grid" filter for removing background
- x-y grid lines that may have been on your original x-y plot and a
- "Spike" filter for eliminating narrow spikes that are common in
- experimental data. A third filtering option, "Noise" is also
- available, though not in the same menu for some reason. The noise
- filter can be used in multiple passes to eliminate isolated groups
- of stray pixels; each application of the noise filter looks for
- groups of pixels with one more additional neighboring pixel, i.e.
- one neighbor, two neighbors.... (I have also used the noise filter
- to clean up other scanned images and dirty faxes that arrive via
- my fax modem; a very handy tool.)
- Output options include mode of exporting/displaying the digitized
- data (text file, FlexiTrace's "Measurement Window," or the
- clipboard) and an option for selecting the number of decimal
- places in the x and y data. All exported data is tab delimited.
- 6. Now you simply click on "Trace" and your scanned image is
- automatically turned into the desired digital data.
- 7. If you are not happy with the result you can repeat the above
- procedure, or parts of it. There are nice (easy) ways of reverting
- back if you do not like your choices.
- FlexiTrace Pros
- ---------------
- * Easy to use!
- * Does the job at hand with a few features that make the result
- impressive, rather than acceptable.
- FlexiTrace Cons
- ---------------
- The $249 list price is a bit high. I paid (me, not my company)
- $149 for FlexiGraphs and did not blink an eye because FlexiGraphs
- did what I needed to have done, and there was no more cost-
- effective solution. The same cost-effectiveness is true of
- FlexiTrace, but I think TreeStar would sell more copies at a lower
- price; then again, I am an engineer and not an MBA.
- Needs a zoom capability. Every time I use FlexiTrace I want to
- zoom in on a section or expand the view to see more detail.
- As mentioned above, the dimensioning tool icon is not intuitive to
- me, though this may be due to its small size in the tool menu.
- Cannot automatically handle multiple lines on one plot. You can
- use the eraser tool to eliminate all but one line and progress
- through multiple lines. This seems like a tough problem to solve
- without a lot of 'smarts' in the software.
- Suggested Improvements
- ----------------------
- I would like to be able to edit the digitized data, i.e. delete,
- add, or modify points and see where the modified data appears
- relative to the scanned image. Currently, the user can edit the
- digitized data in FlexiTrace's Measurement Window, but data edits
- are not reflected in the in the on-screen representation of the
- digitized data.
- Output of the data in a format other than floating point tab-
- delimited (a dead give away to the 'business' roots of this
- product) is desirable. Scientists and engineers usually need data
- in scientific notation, e.g. 1.00E+03. Something like FORTRAN
- output formatting would be much appreciated, since the point of
- digitizing the data is to use it in some other application which
- quite possibly will not be on the Mac.
- Expand the logarithm plotting capability to include natural
- logarithms. Currently, the user may select a base ten logarithmic
- scale for the ordinate and/or abscissa. In most scientific and
- engineering work, natural logarithms, i.e. base e, are typically
- used rather than base ten logarithms.
- FlexiTrace Summary
- ------------------
- Overall, what I like best about FlexiTrace is that it does the job
- just the way I want to have it done, simple yet effective. As a
- user I have the impression that the developers actually USED this
- software. Although, I would qualify that intended compliment by
- stating that some "scientific/engineering" use and features would
- improve the product for that portion of the market (see my
- comments below).
- As an example of 'usability' features, consider the "plumb-bob"
- tool. If you have ever scanned in an image you probably know it is
- almost impossible to align the image vertically and horizontally.
- This is especially true if you are working from a carelessly made
- photocopy that is slightly rotated relative to the paper edges.
- The "plumb-bob" tool in FlexiTrace solves that problem by simply
- allowing the user to draw a straight line on the scanned image
- that represents "true" vertical. The FlexiTrace software then
- rotates the scanned image to make the indicated line vertical,
- simply and effectively. It makes you wonder why other software
- that imports or generates scanned images does not have the same
- tool.
- Bottom Line: If you need the digitizing features described above,
- FlexiTrace will meet and exceed your needs. It is a single purpose
- tool with some useful features that accomplishes the task of
- transferring graphical data back into numerical form.
- ..
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